Thursday, November 26, 2009

Teacher's Day 2009

October 5 is international teacher’s day. There is even fabric made, so you can get a special outfit made. Of course, I did, and now I have a cute dress. Last year I spent the day in mamfe, and marched past the grandstand with other teachers of GBHS Mamfe. This year, I decided to spend it in the village. The morning of, I traveled with other teachers from my school in Afab and some from the primary and nursery schools in afab, to Ossing, where they were holding the events. It was about an hour away. We arrived at the chief’s palace, and marched through town, singing songs about teachers. I had never heard any of the songs, so sadly, I couldn’t sing. We arrived at the main field in town to listen to speeches from principals and delegates of education, then watched sports. There was a tug of war between all of the area schools and then a football match (sorry, I mean soccer). It was entertaining (especially when players kicked off their shoes accidentally, or fell in the mud), but it was so hot outside that I started to get drowsy. When the match was finished, there was a break time, where we could all get a drink, then we went to the Ossing meeting hall to eat. Every teacher that went could eat and take a drink. The principals tried to invite me to the “high table” where they sit, but I refused. Sometimes, I would like to be treated like I’m not different than everyone else. Anyway, they ran out of food,, which was a bummer, so by the time I went to the table to take my own,, the portions were tiny. When everyone finished eating, we opened the dance floor, and then there was dancing. It had started to rain, so we decided to head back to afab before the roads were too bad. The day was very different from last year in mamfe, but it was nice to spend it with the village teachers.

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