Sunday, May 18, 2008

Preparing for Cameroon

Well, as most of you know, I have been accepted into the Peace Corps and leave for Cameroon on June 4, 2008. I will be teaching secondary ed science and hiv/aids education. If the need arises, I may also have to teach computer literacy, but we'll see. At this point, I think my plate is full, as everything I teach will be done in French. I took french in high school, but my mind is like a sieve. I have a lot of refreshing to do. Luckily, PC set me up with Rosetta Stone language learning, and we learn French in training.

For now, I am working on paperwork. The whole PC process has been filled with paperwork, but hopefully its coming to an end. I'm also trying to pack, and getting nowhere. Most of the suggested packing lists state to bring "shirts" and "dress clothes". Not very specific or helpful. I also don't want to bring my favorite clothes that I will most likely ruin. Its hard packing for 2 years when I can only bring 2 suitcases. I have been told numerous times though, that in Cameroon you can have tailored outfits made for cheap. I will probably end up doing that.

I'm still home for 3 weeks though, so I would like to see as many people as possible. Kevin (the boyfriend) is throwing a party memorial day weekend for the holiday/my going away/2 graduations. It should be a good time. Then the weekend before I leave, my mom is also throwing a party. Not big on parties when I am the guest of honor, but it will be nice to have a chance to say goodbye to everyone. I guess that's it for my first post, but feel free to comment/email me!

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