Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One more thing..

working on changing my old pic website. new one will be called melissainafrica.shutterfly.com. at some point in the future, it will have new pics. thanks!


Bill Brown said...

Looks like your getting to have a lot of new things in your life! Your home sounds very nice when it is complete you need to send picturs if you can.
Love ya Uncle Bill

Lorraine said...

Hi Melissa: Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new home and your many new adventures. But the mom comes out of me and I can't help but remind you to be careful. We do enjoy your news and happy to hear that you are doing well.
Take care
Lorraine (Kevin's Mom)

steve said...

Hi, Melissa. I was a volunteer in Mamfe from 1999-2001 and taught at GBHS. I absolutely loved Mamfe and was proud to be part of the community up there. It is rich in culture, kindness and good food and palm wine. My wife and I are moving to Douala next week, in fact, for two years. Perhaps our paths will meet!

Unknown said...

Hey Melissa- Good know you doing well. Sounds like your trip was quite the adventure. I can't wait to see some of pictures you'll have of your new home!

lorraine said...

Hi Mellissa:
It certainly sounds to me that you have done a LOT. We think of you often and always keep you in our prayers. Can't wait to see the pictures of your students.
Take care,
Lorraine (Kevin's Mom)